
Matson Foundation


Matson, Inc. established the Matson Foundation to administer all of the company’s corporate giving programs. The Matson Foundation contributes funds, material goods and services to assist in the development and operation of not-for-profit, charitable and community organizations in the geographic locations in which Matson has business operations.

“Throughout the company’s long history, Matson has demonstrated its commitment to supporting organizations that seek to improve the quality of life in communities in which our employees live and work,” said Matt Cox, president and CEO, Matson, Inc. “Matson’s corporate giving program is designed to reflect the company’s longstanding participation in community activities in Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, Micronesia, the South Pacific and the continental U.S.” While the Matson Foundation supports a wide range of community needs, donations are generally made to charitable non-profits that have the greatest opportunity to positively affect the communities Matson serves. Areas of interest include maritime environment and ocean resource conservation, education, human services, culture and arts, and civic and community programs. In addition to cash donations to qualified charities or non-profit community organizations, the Matson Foundation provides support for events or activities that benefit a worthy cause.

The Matson Foundation is comprised of three geographically oriented committees, Pacific, Alaska and Mainland, each considering requests from their respective communities. The Pacific Committee is the primary policy-setting body. Gary Nakamatsu, Advisor-Hawaii Sales , chairs the Pacific committee. John Lauer, senior vice president, ocean services, chairs the Mainland committee and Ken Gill, vice president, Alaska, chairs the Alaska committee. Matt Cox serves as president of the Matson Foundation and oversees all governing bodies. To view the Matson Foundation’s leadership, please click on the following link Committee Members

Donations will not be made to or on behalf of individuals, nor will contributions be made to benefit political organizations. Generally only one donation will be given in a calendar year to any non-profit organization.

“Supporting the communities in which we do business is a strong part of Matson’s corporate culture,” said Cox. “Matson employees throughout the organization take pride in participating in activities and events that help benefit their respective communities. The company’s community relations footprint extends to every Matson location, including Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, California, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Illinois and Georgia. The Matson Foundation continues our tradition of corporate giving.”

Application Guidelines and Online Forms

If you would like to apply to the Matson Foundation for a charitable donation or request sponsorship for a fundraising event, please first review these Guidelines, then complete the Online application form.

Charitable Donation Guidelines
Fundraising Event Sponsorship Guidelines

To Register OR Start a New Application, click here

To Review Your Saved Application OR to Finalize and Submit Your Application, click here


Requests for support will not be considered from individuals or political groups.

If you have any questions about the Matson Foundation, please contact us at

The Matson Foundation is not a 501(c)(3) entity